All Our Articles

This page is dedicated to all Motion Informatics’ downloadable brochures, How-to-Guides and professional information to keep you well informed about our latest products.

We also write about case studies, and recommendations for a holistic recovery journey. 

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Glossary of Key Terms

Motion Informatics’ Education hub provides information on stroke rehabilitation and neuromotor rehabilitation in general. When learning about re-education of the muscles through personalized biofeedback treatment, you’ll need to know a few basic terms.

Accelerate recovery Restore Independence​

FDA-cleared and validated through trials, the Stimel-03 enhances motor function and overall abilities. Trusted by physiotherapists for its transformative impact.

Brochure for post stroke patients

Remember when moving freely was easy?​

Let’s work towards that freedom again! The FDA-cleared Stimel-03 is designed to help you regain movement after a stroke, an injury, or other health challenges. It’s straightforward to use and…

Embracing the New You: 6 Best Practices for Post-Stroke Survivors​

The journey to recovery after a stroke can seem daunting. The most important thing is to take steps forward, no matter how small they may be. Embracing the “new you” means building…

Mirror Neurons and the Interplay with the Stimel-03 ​​

By: Dr. Gary Sagiv and Dr. Liora Levi

Looking for a post stroke rehab device for you, your loved one? Submit your details and we will get back to you within 72 hours.

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